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Sorry, the Reaction 54 kit is
out of stock and no longer
manufactured. Some of the
optional accessories are still
available from BTE.

Time for a new challenge?
No matter how long you have been into R/C models, there is still a lot to learn when you get into jets.
The new Reaction 54 kit from BTE just might be the perfect way to transition from props to jet blast.
Its exposed engine and huge fuselage help ease the learning curve that comes with installing and using
your first turbine. The rugged retract system gives you the jet "look" in flight without the hassles of doors.
And building the Reaction 54 is a snap thanks to the machine-cut parts, the detailed full-size plans,
and 40-page instruction book packed with information and color photos.
For much more detailed info
on the Reaction 54 kit, be sure to read Bruce's article
"Hey Isaac, I Got Your Third Law Right Here, Baby!"
Wingspan: 78 inches
Wing Area: 1453 square inches
Length: 80 inches
Weight: 17 pounds
Turbines: 11-14 lb. thrust
(Click on images for larger pictures and full descriptions)
Reaction 54 Kit Price . . .
UPS Ground Shipping in U.S. add ... $19.00


Best Materials Available: Superior Balsa, Top-Grade
Lite-Ply, Spruce, and Aircraft Plywood. No foam.

Du-Bro 50 oz. Fuel Tank and Fuel Tank Padding

American Hardware from Sig, Sullivan, and Du-Bro
Including Steel Clevises, Steel Control Horns,
4-40 Pushrods, Cable Control Linkages, Couplers,
Spring-Loaded Hatch Latch, Cup Hooks, Grommets,
Easy Hinges, and Aluminum Wing Bolts

Fiberglass Tape for Wing Joint Reinforcement

CAD-Drawn, Full-Size, Rolled Plans: 5 Sheets

Detailed Instruction Booklet with Color Photos

Vinyl Graphics, Building Templates, Heat Shield

Aluminum Turbine Mounting Bracket
One is supplied with your kit. Specify a turbine when ordering.
Some of the brackets include extra mounting hardware. Don't know what turbine you plan to use, or
change your mind? No problem, BTE will swap later. Click the pic for more info.

Turbine, header tank, retracts, brake system, three 3" wheels, five or six rolls of covering
material, glue, and common modeling tools. Radio with 8 servos; digital servos recommended for
all flight control surfaces.

- NEW! Download the R54 Instruction Manual
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Recommended Engine List
- Videos of the R54 in Action
- 2-View Line Drawing
- Replacement Parts
- AMA Turbine Waiver Information
- Index to the Definitive R54 Forum Thread (RCU)
Jet Pilot's Organization

Bruce started writing these updates for R54 customers and
potential customers even before the kit was available.
You can receive future updates automatically, just send
Bruce an e-mail and ask to be added to the R54 e-mail list. All updates are available
in Word Document or .pdf file format.
- Download UPDATE #1 (Word Doc)
(.pdf file)
- Download UPDATE #2 (Word Doc)
(.pdf file)
- Download UPDATE #3 (Word Doc)
(.pdf file)
- Download UPDATE #4 (Word Doc)
(.pdf file)
- Download UPDATE #5 (Word Doc)
(.pdf file)
- Download UPDATE #6 (Word Doc)
(.pdf file)

Model Airplane News November 2007
"The Reaction 54 is one of the finest wood aircraft designs I have ever built. BTE has done a
wonderful job of putting together a basic turbine-powered jet design that even a novice builder
can assemble."
The R54 is big and light! Modelers are often surprised with how big the model is when they see it in person.
Here's the R54 with Bruce's sister, Susan, shown strictly for size reference...

Electric Retract Package -
Includes everything you need to mount retracts in your R54: Robart 500-Series tri-gear retract units,
special-bent 3/16" wire struts designed exclusively for the R54, electronic controller, extensions,
retract mounting hardware, complete nose wheel pull-pull
steering linkage, installation tips.
Pneumatic Retract Package -
Electrics are super popular right now, but some modelers still prefer good ol' air systems. Package
includes retracts and struts, air tank, fill valve,
pressure gauge, air line, quick disconnects, retract mounting hardware, complete nose wheel
steering linkage, installation tips.
Robart #164G Hand Pump -
Compatible with all air system fill-chucks. Includes a pressure gauge for reading input pressure, rated
over 100 psi. Even if you normally use an electric air pump for your retracts, this makes a nice back-up
unit for your flightbox.
Retail Price $44.95
BTE Price . . . $35.95
Wheel and Brake Package -
There's no need for "jet" wheels or expensive pneumatic brakes for the R54! Package includes two 3" Sullivan
Sky-Lite main wheels, a 3" Hangar 9 Pro-Lite nose wheel, Kavan electro-magnetic brake, microswitch, 9V battery
connector, brass tubing for optional bearings, wheel collars, complete mounting hardware, and instructions.
Compatible with electric or air retract packages shown above.
Retail Price $118.67
BTE Price . . . $95.95
Kavan Brake Only - BTE Price . . . $65.95
Fuel System Package - The R54 kit already comes with the main fuel tank, but this package provides all
the little extras to add the finishing touches to your fuel system. Includes an SWB machined-aluminum fuel tank
cap, barbs, safety wire, vent tubing, vent plug, and more. Retail Price $28.46
BTE Price . . . $21.95
Full-Size Covering Templates - Want to duplicate the BTE color scheme on your R54? You'll need these
full-size templates for cutting out the individual colors. Professionally printed on six large sheets.
Includes detailed instructions.
BTE Price . . . $29.95
Corner Sander - Specifically made for rounding off the balsa corners of the
R54 fuselage. Creates a perfect 3/4" radius corner with minimal effort. A real time-saver! Comes ready-to-use with
80-grit sandpaper, so final sanding with finer grit will be required before covering.
BTE Price . . . $14.95
Cable Cutters - Specially designed jaws cut stranded cable clean and square
without fraying. Perfect for the R54 cable controls. Every modeler needs at least one
of these high-quality tools. Use the small cutter for up to 3/32" cable or 5/64" music wire. The large
cutter is good for 3/16" cable or 1/8" music wire. Made in USA.
BTE Price . . . $17.95 Small Cutter
BTE Price . . . $19.95 Large Cutter
Disposable Scissors - Don't wreck your good scissors trimming the thin stainless steel
heat shield for your R54. Use these "el cheapo" scissors for this one tough step, then toss 'em.
BTE Price . . . $1.95
Super Strength Servo Arms -
Another BTE favorite, these replacement servo arms use long fiber composites for added strength. Specify radio
brand when ordering.
Retail Price $9.92
BTE Price . . . $8.50