Twice the Flame, Twice the Noise, Twice the Fun
The Double Whammy is a one-of-a-kind model built by Bruce Tharpe (owner, BTE) and his father, Bruce. Son Bruce
designed the model, helped with building, and serves as pilot. Bruce Sr. was the primary builder, engine man, and
ground crew chief. This model represents the culmination of nearly twenty years of their joint efforts in building
pulsejet models, both for control line and R/C.
The model uses a very traditional all-wood structure, but the real story is the twin Dynajets strapped to either side.
They burn a methanol/nitromethane mix and provide a total thrust of about ten pounds. Dynajets can be temperamental -
a single air bubble in the fuel delivery will cause a flameout. To avoid that, the Double Whammy uses a fuel system
based on latex rubber bladders feeding Cline regulators. Each Dynajet has its own bladder, which holds about 32 ounces
of fuel. Flights last about four minutes and the model does jet-style aerobatics with ease.
Perhaps its greatest claim to fame is that it was included as one of the models in Add-On 5 for the amazing
Real Flight G2 R/C Simulator. The owner of Knife Edge Software, creators of Real Flight, witnessed a Double Whammy
performance and instantly knew he wanted it for his next Add-On. Knife Edge and Great Planes (the exclusive
Real Flight distributor) do not take these decisions lightly, so it's quite an honor to be included. The rendition
in Real Flight is superb, but turn your speakers all the way up to get the full sound effect!
The Double Whammy is not available as a kit, but plans are available from BTE. Click on the link under Resources for
complete info.