BTE Reaction 54 Videos
BTE wishes to thank Jim Brown, Dave Rigotti, Rowdy Soetisna,
Tommy Watson, and Joe Stagg for these exceptional videos.
John Wiebe of Canada shows off his smooth piloting skills at the Bay of Quinte Jet Rally 2005.
Small-Format Video 6.7 MB
Recommended for dial-up users.
High-Res Video 25.9 MB
Recommended for broadband users.
Camera: Jim Brown Editing: Jim Brown
Jim Brown's R/C Aircraft Gallery
Dave Rigotti of Ohio loves to wring out his R54! In this video, you will see a high speed pass that
was measured with a radar gun at 163 mph. You will also see how the R54 handles a grass field.
Small-Format Video 7.5 MB
Camera: Christopher Abate Editing: Dave Rigotti
New! Dave's "edgy" MTV-style video featuring Tina Turner.
Medium-Res Video 7.7 MB
Camera: Christopher Abate Editing: Dave Rigotti
Dean Wichmann from Canada is well-known in jet circles for his cheerful attitude, his helpful approach with
newcomers, and his overall turbine expertise. You gotta hear his flight summary at the end of this clip.
Small-Format Video 3.9 MB
Camera: Kelly Williams Editing: Rowdy Soetisna
Tom Watson was first to fly an R54 in Australia. This vid features his Wren Mk. III startup sequence and plenty of grass field
operation, including a touch-and-go. R54 builders will like to see his startup exhaust tube and taxi tank arrangement.
Small-Format Video 13.3 MB
Camera: Don Newell Editing: Tom Watson
Bruce puts on a demo flight during his local club's airshow with the R54 prototype. The field features a 400 ft. paved runway, and
you will see it's plenty long.
Small-Format Video 5.5 MB
Camera: Joe Stagg Editing: Joe Stagg
Can't get enough R54 videos? Here are links to a few more:
Bob Parks' maiden flight with his highly-modified, hi-viz R54
Impressive test flight with Kingtech K80e
Jim Brown at Jets Over Edenvale in gusty conditions
Jim Brown wrings out his new R54 at Jets Over Kentucky 2010
Jim Brown shows how low you can go (as in "wingtip scrape" low)
John VH puts on a show. P70 power, short paved runway.
Smooth Flying from Mark P
Barry's Stylish R54
Chris Rankin's R54 "experience" from box to first flight
Polish pilot is suprisingly brave during this maiden flight. Rough grass field.
Father and son team, Bob and John, enjoy a beautiful flight
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