Wingspan: 47.5"      Power: .25-.40      Controls: Full House

Look familiar? This bird was instrumental in the design of the Venture 60. But that's the end of the story. In the beginning, there was this little .15-size model (shown in photo) called the Spartan 318 (318 sq. in. wing). It flew good, but was burdened with an HB .15, a real lemon of an engine. The sketch below is a larger version, for .40 power. Years later, after the success of the Four-Star, I wrote the line you see at the bottom: "Blend outlines w/ Four-Star Construction." The rest is BTE history.

Plans for the Spartan 318-"40" are available. Click here for more info.

Click Here to open an 8-1/2" x 11" PDF file suitable for printing. (109KB)

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