Okay, stick with me here... The model in the photo is the Spartan 318, a .15-size sportster that was a joy to fly.
The old plans for the photo model aren't drawn well enough to offer here, but I did draw a larger version for .40-size
engines. I never actually built the "40", but see no reason why it wouldn't fly as well as its little brother.
Full-Size Plans . . . $11.95 Plus $6.50 Shipping in U.S.
Plans are shipped rolled in a Priority Mail tube. Order as many plans as you wish from BTE, shipping remains $6.50.
Contact BTE for shipping charges outside the U.S.
Plans for the spartan 318-"40" are professionally printed on one sheet, 24" x 48". Included with the plans
are notes with building tips and suggestions for possible improvements.
Spartan 318-"40" by William in North Carolina Built from BTE Plans

William writes: "I completed the Spartan 40 and It flies very well. It is a little tricky to land due to
the wing loading. My came out at about 6lbs with a OS 46 AX for power. The plane is pretty fast at around 80 MPH.
Loved building it... Thanx, for a great looking design. Everyone who sees it fly wants one.
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