More Venture 60 Photos - GROUP #5

Robert in Oregon

-Cool Wheel Pants!
- Taller Fin/Rudder
- Pull-Pull Rudder Control
- Weighs 7.25 lbs.

"Three and a half weeks start to finish.  In thirty years and 85 models I think your Venture is the best kit I've ever built.  A real pleasure!"
Jay in Oregon

He's a Cowboys fan, can you tell?

This pic taken at Bruce's home club field near Medford, Oregon.
Vince in North Carolina

Vince covered his first wing with silk and dope, but it pretzeled.  Second wing, shown here, is his first Monokote job.  Nicely done!
Don in Washington

Look close -
It's a FAKE!

He couldn't get a Venture 60, so he converted this Four-Star 60 into a Venture look-alike.  It looks pretty good, and Don says it flies well.  Very clever!
Robert in California

Colorful garden, colorful plane!

Fully-sheeted wing.
Bill in Idaho

OS .61SF

"10 Rated Kit"
Jim in Colorado

Super Tigre .61
Billy in New Jersey
James in Kentucky

Enya .60 Pump

Venture 60 kit #003

A Show Stopper!  "Best Overall Kit Built Airplane"
Gene in
South Carolina
Charles in Oregon

O.S. .91 Four-Stroke

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