Mickey writes...

"Hello Bruce I wanted to send you some pictures of my completed Flying King. The airplane is powered with an OS 15 gas motor which was an easy fit and did not create any balance issues.

"Building your kit proved to be one of the best kits I have ever built in my 50 + years playing with model airplanes. I would have only one suggestion and that would be to suggest an option to install two servos for flaps which would ensure being able to rig the flaps with more precision. I have a bit of mismatch between the flaps that I must correct with aileron trim.

"Thanx for a fun build."

Mikey sent this update...

"Hi Bruce, just want to share with you that I keep flying with the dependable Flyin' King for well over a year now and just don’t get tired of it. I decided last week to to try a set of floats and to no surprise it's still the same old Flyin' King. Great design."

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