Quick history: The Venture 60 kit used to come with mylar decals. Problem was, they had to be ordered
in large quantities and they were all the same blue/white color combo. Some guys used them, but many
tossed them, which seemed like a waste. Plus, there were a lot of rejects.
Now BTE is proud to offer a high-quality alternative. These new graphics are precisely cut from
vinyl in several different colors. You can order the entire package in a single vinyl color, or you can
mix and match. Patterned after the distinctive shape of the original V60 decals, these new stripes not
only look great, they help with visual orientation in flight.
The vinyl must be applied to a squeaky-clean, smooth surface (you know, like Monokote or Ultracote).
The agressive adhesive is highly fuel resistant, but I recommend wiping away any exhaust residue after every
flight. Take your model from blah to brilliant in a matter of minutes with a set of graphics from BTE.
NOTE: The colors shown here are screen approximations.
The BLUE VINYL most closely matches Monokote Insignia Blue and Ultracote ???
The LIGHT BLUE VINYL most closely matches Monokote ??? and Ultracote Sky Blue
The RED VINYL most closely matches Monokote True Red and Ultracote ???
The YELLOW VINYL most closely matches Monokote Cub Yellow and Ultracote Cub Yellow
Ordering Instructions:
You may order a complete set of the vinyl graphics in a single color, or you may mix and match to suit
your custom color scheme. If you wish to mix colors, please specify the color of each item listed below.
- Fuselage Stripes (2)
- Wing Stripes (2)
- Stab Stripes (2)
- Wheel Pant Stripes (2)
- Venture 60 Logo (1)
- BTE Logos (1L 1R)
For example, you could cover your fuselage and fin with Insignia Blue Monokote (with wheel pants
painted to match). Your wings and stabilizer could be covered with white Monokote. In that case you might
want your fuselage stripes, the wheel pant stripes, and the BTE logos (for the fin) to be white vinyl. The
wing stripes, stab stripes, and V60 logo could then be blue vinyl for contrast. Or you could go with red
stripes for a patriotic look. There's lots of combinations that would look great!
New to Vinyl Graphics? They are quick and easy to apply. I recommend using the dry method
with a center hinge for the long fuselage and wing stripes. You can use an end or top hinge for the
shorter graphics. The link below describes the process thoroughly.
How to Apply Vinyl Graphics