Here are some comments from Dave in Missouri. He's modified the wing to
accept dual aileron servos.
Here are a few photo's of my recently
completed Venture 60. Your web page said pictures of close-up shots welcome. I
had a few, so I thought I'd send them too.
This Venture 60 has a Saito .91 up front. The only modifications I made
were to install dual aileron servos and placed the elevator and rudder servos
(Hitec Mighty Minis) under the stabilizer to help balance the plane out. This is
my first kit/Monokote covering job and I'm waiting on the weather
to cooperate to take it on its maiden flight. This is my second plane and
from what others have told me, it should be a nice transition from my trainer.
I'm glad you could use the servo photos. It would be nice if more people
could post some "detail" photos of their Venture or supply some
building tips for others to use.
I picked up a really good tip from an experienced pilot about mounting
control horns that I used on this plane. Have you noticed that you don't see a
back plate for these horns (1/2" Robart Ball Link) on the top of the
ailerons and elevator? Purchase a nylon pushrod, red and yellow kind, and just
use the yellow one. Mark the locations of the screws holes using the control horn
and drill an 1/8" hole but stop it short of going completely through. Stick
the yellow pushrod in that hole and use thin CA to secure it, then trim it
flush. Then secure the control horn using #2 x 3/8" button head screws. I
had to sand them down shorter so they didn't poke out of the other side. When
they are screwed in, they're not coming out.
This makes for a much cleaner looking plane and you don't have to inset any
plywood in these locations. I know of a couple of very experienced pilots that
use this type of mounting on their planes and they can do about every
maneuver in the book, putting a lot of stress on their planes and haven't had
one fail yet. I wish I would have taken pictures of this type of