Bruce and Son from PennsylvaniaBruce writes:"Thanks again for all your help with the DV my son and I purchased for a joint project. As you may remember, you and I spoke on numerous occasions with regard to alterations to the normal assembly. We ended up utilizing the rear center section as a functioning elevator, after it was initially made into elevons. Well, the elevator mod is the way to go! With some practice, the plane always gets great comments on its wild flying prowess. On high rates, the DV can do some maneuvers yet to be named... It sure would be interesting to see the DV in a giant scale version!" Comments from Bruce Tharpe: I've always thought the DV could approach 3D performance if the fixed trailing edge between the fins was modified into mini elevons. The idea is to get some control surface area inside the prop blast. Bruce in PA took up the challenge, starting with a DV ARF model (although at least one other builder has done this with a kit DV). I'm surprised at his findings that he prefers to use the inner surfaces strictly as elevators, but that's not the first time I've been surprised by a model airplane, and probably not the last. Good work guys - thanks for giving it a try and sharing your experiences. |
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